Factors are used to represent the CPDs in the Bayesian network. As such, the core functionality, which are implemented, are the factor product, factor marginalization and factor reduction operations.
Attributes : |
Factor Product Computes the product of two factors.
C.FactorProduct(A,B) computes the product between two factors, A and B, where each factor is defined over a set of variables with given dimension. The factor data structure has the following fields:
- .var Vector of variables in the factor, e.g. [1 2 3]
- .card Vector of cardinalities corresponding to .var, e.g. [2 2 2]
- .val Value table of size prod(.card)
Args : |
Returns : |
Factor Marginalization Sums given variables out of a factor.
B = FactorMarginalization(A,V) computes the factor with the variables in V summed out. The factor data structure has the following fields:
- .var Vector of variables in the factor, e.g. [1 2 3]
- .card Vector of cardinalities corresponding to .var, e.g. [2 2 2]
- .val Value table of size prod(.card)
The resultant factor should have at least one variable remaining or this function will throw an error.
Args : |
Returns : |
Observe Evidence Modify a vector of factors given some evidence.
F = ObserveEvidence(F, E) sets all entries in the vector of factors, F, that are not consistent with the evidence, E, to zero. F is a vector of factors, each a data structure with the following fields:
- .var Vector of variables in the factor, e.g. [1 2 3]
- .card Vector of cardinalities corresponding to .var, e.g. [2 2 2]
- .val Value table of size prod(.card)
Args : |
Variables are in the first column and values are in the second column.
Returns : |
Compute Joint Distribution computes the joint distribution defined by a set of given factors
Joint = ComputeJointDistribution(F) computes the joint distribution defined by a set of given factors
Joint is a factor that encapsulates the joint distribution given by F F is a vector of factors (struct array) containing the factors defining the distribution
Compute Marginal Computes the marginal over a set of given variables.
M = ComputeMarginal(V, F, E) computes the marginal over variables V in the distribution induced by the set of factors F, given evidence E
Args : |
Variables are in the first column and values are in the second column. If there is no evidence, pass in the empty matrix [] for E. |
Returns : |
AssignmentToIndex Convert assignment to index.
I = AssignmentToIndex(A, D) converts an assignment, A, over variables with cardinality D to an index into the .val vector for a factor. If A is a matrix then the function converts each row of A to an index.
Args : |
Returns : |
IndexToAssignment Convert index to variable assignment.
A = IndexToAssignment(I, D) converts an index, I, into the .val vector into an assignment over variables with cardinality D. If I is a vector, then the function produces a matrix of assignments, one assignment per row.
Args : |
Returns : |