1. Introduction
Date: | September 2013 |
Authors: | Jürgen Hackl |
Contact: | hackl.j@gmx.at |
Web site: | http://github.com/hackl/pybn |
Copyright: | This document has been placed in the public domain. |
License: | PyBN is released under the GNU General Public Licence. |
Version: | 1.0.1 |
If you have any problems, found bugs in the code or have feature request
comments or questions, please feel free to send a mail to Jürgen Hackl.
1.1. Purpose
PyBN (Python Bayesian Networks) is a python module for creating simple
Bayesian networks. Its flexibility and extensibility make it applicable to a
large suite of problems. Along with the core functionality, PyBN includes an
export to GeNIe.
1.2. Getting started
This guide provides all the information needed to install PyBN, code a
Bayesian network, run the sampler, save and visualize the results. In
addition, it contains an export to GeNIe.