1. Introduction

Date:September 2013
Authors:Jürgen Hackl
Web site:http://github.com/hackl/pybn
Copyright:This document has been placed in the public domain.
License:PyBN is released under the GNU General Public Licence.


If you have any problems, found bugs in the code or have feature request comments or questions, please feel free to send a mail to Jürgen Hackl.

1.1. Purpose

PyBN (Python Bayesian Networks) is a python module for creating simple Bayesian networks. Its flexibility and extensibility make it applicable to a large suite of problems. Along with the core functionality, PyBN includes an export to GeNIe.

1.2. Getting started

This guide provides all the information needed to install PyBN, code a Bayesian network, run the sampler, save and visualize the results. In addition, it contains an export to GeNIe.

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2. Installation

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